Österreichische Akademie für Psychologen | ÖAP

EFPA Webinar, Launch of the EFAP White Paper

"Meeting the mental helath needs of children with special educational needs following COVID-19: advocating for the critical role of psychologists in education" of the Standing Committee of Psychology in Education of the European Federation of Psychologists´Associations.

The launch event included two keynote speeches

  • Professor Jo Van Herwegen (UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, UK) drawing on international research findings concerning how we can best meet the needs of children with special and educational needs COVID-19.
  • Professor Kris Varjas (Georgia State University, USA; President elect of ISPA) will be advocating for the urgent need of psychologists in education to play a critical role in supporting the mental health of all children and those with special educational needs (SEN) and their families through the recovery phase from COVID-19.

A panel of researchers, professionals and policy makers discussed current challenges experienced by professionals in the field and in the case of any future emergency.