Österreichische Akademie für Psychologen | ÖAP

The 8 Love Links

 28.11.2024 von 19:30 bis 21:00 Uhr | Zoom


The 8 Love Links - Using traditional and positive psychology interventions to create flourishing partner relationships.

There is a common assumption backed by research that individuals with secure attachments have better mental health, emotional regulation and resilience. While there has been much focus on parental style attachment we bring the focus to partner attachment. The assumption is that partners who are securely attached will have positive mental health and flourish as individuals. If these partners go on to have children they will pass on positive generational communication and attachment styles. Even without children - they will have a positive effect on other interpersonal relationships. We have created our own couples coaching/therapy theory designed to give therapists/coaches a framework and a robust set of interventions to pass onto their clients. While this information is helpful for all at any time it is especially helpful for early relationships to prevent discord through chronic negative cycles. We have published our ideas in our book The 8 Love Links. In this online session we will briefly cover each link and explain some interventions/strategies and why they are mutually influencing and equally important for positive lasting relationships.

ReferentInnen: Helen and Shahn are a married couple, both clinical psychologists, couples therapists, directors of a private practice (www.drummoynepsychology.com.au) authors of The 8 Love Links (www.8lovelinks.com) and the creators of Australia's first ever couples coaching app (www.myloveyourlove.com).

Hinweis: Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache stattfinden.

Um Anmeldung wird bis spätestens 27.11.2024 gebeten.

Laut Begutachtung durch den BÖP wird die Veranstaltung im Ausmaß von 2 Einheiten als Fortbildung laut Psychologengesetz 2013, BGBl. I 182/2013 anerkannt.

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Veranstaltet von

  • Fachsektion Gesundheitspsychologie

Landesgruppen / Fachsektionen

  • Fachsektion Gesundheitspsychologie


Online via Zoom